An Australian Wildlife Addict
Rochelle Ferris
Test Area
Under Construction
Flatback (Natator depressus)
Green (Chelonia mydas)
Hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea)
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta)
Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea)
Location -
IMCRA Provincial Bioregion
1. Timor Transition
2. Timor Province
3. Northwest Transition
4. Northwest Province
5. Central Western Transition
6. Central Western Province
7. Southwest Transition
8. Southern Province
9. West Tasmania Transition
10. Tasmania Province
11. Southeast Transition
12. Central Eastern Province
13. Tasman Basin Province
14. Lord Howe Province
15. Central Eastern Transition
16. Kenn Transition
17. Kenn Province
18. Northeast Province
19. Northeast Transition
20. Cape Province
21. Norfolk Island Province
22. Cocos (Keeling) Island Province
23. Christmas Island Province
24. Macquarie Island Province
25. Northern IMCRA Province
26. Northwest IMCRA Transition
27. Northwest IMCRA Province
28. Central Western IMCRA Transition
29. Central Western IMCRA Province
30. Southwest IMCRA Transition
31. Southwest IMCRA Province
32. Great Australian Bight Transition
33. Spencer Gulf IMCRA Province
34. Western Bass Straight IMCRA Transition
35. Bass Straight IMCRA Province
36. Tasmanian IMCRA Province
37. Southeast IMCRA Transition
38. Central Eastern IMCRA Province
39. Central Eastern IMCRA Transition
40. Northeast IMCRA Province
41. Northeast IMCRA Transition
In development: - Click on the IMCRA Provincial Biogregion of interest:
Or enter GPS coordinates
Example form
Degrees Decimal Northing
Degrees Decimal Easting
Austral Summer
Austral Autumn
Austral Winter
Austral Spring
Sea Surface Temperature
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